Sick/Fit Note Certificates

Request a Fitness to Work Form
If you are off work sick for seven days or less, your employer should not ask you for a doctor's certificate. You will need a medical certificate if you are off work sick for more than seven days. The seven days include days that you don't normally work. So when you work out how long you've been off sick, you should include weekends and bank holidays.
Sick/Fit Note Requests
Please note that a sick certificate can not be requested if the sickness has not been reported to Practice. If this is a new sickness, you will need to have an appointment with a clinician.
If you have been ill for 7 days or less you do not need to see a Doctor. You can complete a Self-Certification form yourself which should be supplied by your employer. However some employers insist on a Doctor’s note regardless.
If you require a sick certifcate after 7 days of sick, please do one of the following:
- Email
- Complete an Econsult
- Call the surgery in the afternoon on 01634 233491
You must include patient details including full name, date of birth, address and contact number, the peroid of the sickness including the start and finsh date you would like stated on the certificate and the reason for your sickness. A clinician may call you to discuss your request.
When Your Sick/Fit Note Runs Out
If your certificate runs out, but you are still sick, you will need to consult a Clinician again before you can get a further certificate.
Fit/Sick certificates can be back-dated so it is not necessary to make an emergency appointment to renew your certifiate.
Sick Notes - Further Information
A Medical certifcate note must be completed by a Clinician. A Fit Notes means a Clinician can give you advice to help you return to work. The Clinicain can either say you are not fit for work, or can say you may be fit for work. The Clinician will choose the option for may be fit to work if they think that returning to work – with support from your employer – will help you.
There is also space for the Clinician to give advice to your employer about the impact of your illness or injury and can suggest common ways in which your employer can help you return to work such as allowing you to work part time or temporarily or by changing your duties, for example, if you have back pain, avoiding heavy lifting.
There are rules governing the issue of sick certificates and the Clinician may not be able to supply one, depending on the information you provide.
If you are under the care of a hospital, your certificate may be issued by the hospital, rather than by the practice.